This was a relatively easy project to do - once the trees were removed, of course. There are always lots of bargains out there if you invest some times scrounging around. A lot of the terra cotta pots were bought at Hobby Lobby when they were 50% off (it's not a sale if it's not at least 50% off!!!). I got a HUGE green pumpking at Walmart for 38 cents. I used three cans of Rust-Oleum American Accent spray paint in Sour Apple, Aqua, and Peacock. Also, One can of primer spray paint. I bought two quarts of exterior Olympic semi-gloss paint in Jalapeno Jelly and Aqua Glow which I used to paint the trellis and the Canoe shelves. The shelves were on clearance from Lowes at only $10 each. That's where I got the roosters, also. Clearance is one of my very favorite words! I went to the local thrift store for a few wall vases. I also had really good luck at Garden Ridge and Michaels. The Dollar Tree and the 99 cent store were great for finding some of the smaller containers. The 99 cent store has a huge assortment of plastic terra cotta colored containers in all shapes and sizes. Lastly, the mumms were from Lowes and the pansys from Calloways. The pansys will flower until next summer. I still have some inpatiens and calladiums left over from this summer and I will be replacing these as the weather turns colder.
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